Comprehensive introduction

The intelligent chemical factory is a new stage in the development of modern factory informatization. Possess autonomous capabilities such as collection, analysis, judgment and planning. Analyze and judge through the overall visualization technology, and use simulation and multimedia technology to expand the reality and show the design and manufacturing process. The various components of the intelligent factory system can be assembled into the best system structure by themselves. It has the characteristics of coordination, reorganization and expansion, and has the ability of self-learning and self-maintenance. It realizes the coordination and cooperation between humans and machines. The essence is human-computer interaction.

Moran began research on the intelligent platform of weak current system and computer room control since 2010, especially developed a complete set of artificial intelligence algorithm system for the automatic control of refrigerating computer room and boiler unit. Realize the centralized control of the unit, automatically adjust the operating number of chillers according to the system load, coordinate the operation of the cooling tower and the refrigeration unit, realize system optimization, and achieve the best system operation.